Custom Applications
A Your Tech Department custom application is molded to your business like a glove, unlike off-the-shelf software that requires you to adapt to it .
Do you need a customized mail-merge, an order entry and tracking system, or a full management and accounting application to run your entire business? Your Tech Department programmers can provide sophisticated applications development based on your specific business model and work flow.
What if new requirements come up six months later?
A well-written Your Tech Department application can be enhanced and updated as needed. Though custom systems may initially seem more expensive, studies have shown that life-cycle costs are about the same, or even lower. Why is this?
Because off-the-shelf software:
- May not match your business specs very well, forcing you to adapt or do without desired functions.
- May require you to buy multiple applications to cover your needs.
- Requires costly upgrades just to keep current with the publisher
- Leaves you no recourse if the publisher discontinues or radically changes the product you use.
Some businesses can do just fine with basic business software, but if you want that extra edge, look to a Your Tech Department Solution.
Long Island: 516.506.0440 |
New York City: 212.804.7750 |
Connecticut: 203.883.0000 |